Farmers like George Wolf realized by fall of 1917 that something had to be done about the need for organized fire protection in Getzville. Wolf's barn started on fire, and was a total loss at the corner of Millersport Highway and Skinnersville Road. His loss was the catalyst which united neighborhood leaders to form the Getzville Fire Company. The organization's first fire apparatus was a chemical truck housed in an 18 by 12-foot shed. Wolf was elected president of the fire company the following year, and with spiraling membership and more emergencies to handle, attention soon turned to building a new larger fire station. A bid to build was accepted at just under $9,900 in late 1924. The lifeblood of the Getzville Fire Company during these early years was community dances and the annual picnic. The latter was supported mainly by the "Chicken Committee." Committee members went door-to-door seeking donations of chickens, vegetables, beef and money.
UB creates a need
One of the biggest additions came in the fall of 1983. A 95-foot aerial ladder was made necessary by construction of the State University new campus located directly in the middle of Getzville's district. When ground was broken in 1972, it was determined that the volunteer fire company would handle all the fire protection duties at UB.
Blizzard of '77
On January 28th, 1977, roads throughout the town were blocked by 10-foot drifts. Getzville's Engine 5 followed snowplows on their routes and assisted with pulling the plows out of high snow drifts. Two days later, Arbordale Nursery located on Dodge Road erupted in to flames he fire lasted nine hours.
One of the biggest commercial building fires ever to hit Amherst took place in December 1980 at the Harlem-Genesee Nursery at Hopkins and Klein. The fire was fueled by a dangerous combination of artificial trees, aerosol products, pine wreaths and plastic decorations. By day's end almost every fire company in town was pressed into service.
Flood of 1985
February 1985 brought with it a flood unseen before to the men and women of Getzville. In a short time frame over 300 calls for assistance came in. Getzville Firefighters responded in a fleet of boats and three quarter boots, wading through waist deep water to make it to residents.
The October Storm
Friday October 13th, 2006 lived up to its name. Over the course of the next 10 days, along with the help from mutual aid companies from around town and the rest of the state, the members of Getzville responded to over 400 alarms.
Missions Beyond Our Boarders
September 11, 2001: The love of our brotherhood knows no bounds. In the days following, a crew from Getzville responded to provide first aid to workers at ground zero.
Broome County Flooding: On a few hours notice, a group of firefighters made the trip across the state to help our brothers in need.
"The storm that rocked Western New York" Snowvember: Crews were assembled and worked 12+ hour shifts helping our brothers in the south towns.
Today, the Getzville Fire Company is the busiest and largest fire district in the town of Amherst.